ZeronPeron - Twitch Stats, Analytics and Channel Overview (2024)

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ZeronPeron - Twitch Stats, Analytics and Channel Overview (30)


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ZeronPeron stats for the last 30 days

Data source:ZeronPeron - Twitch Stats, Analytics and Channel Overview (31)

Hours Watched

Hours Watched30d: 13 941

Peak Viewers

Peak Viewers30d: 201

Average Viewers

Average Viewers30d: 88

Authorized to All Viewers Ratio

Live Views

Live Views30d: 41 430

Followers Gain

Followers Gain30d: 185


Airtime30d: 158h 45m

Avg. Daily Estimated Audience

ZeronPeron - Twitch Stats, Analytics and Channel Overview (32)

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ZeronPeron last streams



ZeronPeron - Twitch Stats, Analytics and Channel Overview (34)

04 Aug, 14:456h 20m


ZeronPeron - Twitch Stats, Analytics and Channel Overview (36)


02 Aug, 14:055h 30m


ZeronPeron - Twitch Stats, Analytics and Channel Overview (38)


01 Aug, 15:305h 25m


ZeronPeron - Twitch Stats, Analytics and Channel Overview (40)


31 Jul, 13:508h


ZeronPeron - Twitch Stats, Analytics and Channel Overview (42)


28 Jul, 17:404h 5m


ZeronPeron - Twitch Stats, Analytics and Channel Overview (44)


27 Jul, 14:1511h 10m


ZeronPeron - Twitch Stats, Analytics and Channel Overview (46)


26 Jul, 14:357h 35m


ZeronPeron - Twitch Stats, Analytics and Channel Overview (48)


21 Jul, 13:2513h 15m


ZeronPeron - Twitch Stats, Analytics and Channel Overview (50)


20 Jul, 20:253h 30m


ZeronPeron - Twitch Stats, Analytics and Channel Overview (52)


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Days of the week analysis

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ZeronPeron - Twitch Stats, Analytics and Channel Overview (54)

ZeronPeron - Twitch Stats, Analytics and Channel Overview (55)

The streamer hasn't been active in the last 30 days.

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Current active subscriptions

Estimate income for subscriptions

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Chat analytics

for the last 30 days

Total messages

Active Chatters

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Popular Games

for the last 30 days

More games

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Channel Records

6 years and 5 months ago


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ZeronPeron growth by week

Group by

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ZeronPeron - Twitch Stats, Analytics and Channel Overview (61)

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ZeronPeron Twitch emotes

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Popular ZeronPeron clips

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Channel FAQ

  • What is ZeronPeron real name?

    Currently, we don't have information about ZeronPeron real name.

  • ZeronPeron Twitch Stats

    In the last 30 days, ZeronPeron has streamed for 158h 45m with a peak of 201 viewers and an average of 88 viewers.

  • ZeronPeron status on Twitch

    ZeronPeron is a Twitch Partner

  • ZeronPeron bans

    ZeronPeron wasn't banned on Twitch.

  • How many Twitch followers does ZeronPeron have?

    ZeronPeron Twitch followers count is 30 380 followers with 185 new followers in the last 30 days.

  • How old is ZeronPeron?

    Currently, we don't have information about ZeronPeron age.

  • When is ZeronPeron's birthday?

    Currently, we don't have information about ZeronPeron birth date.

  • Where does ZeronPeron live?

    ZeronPeron currently lives in Poland.

  • What time does ZeronPeron stream?

    ZeronPeron stream schedule is:

    • Monday:13:30 – 22:50

      ~ 9h 22m

    • Tuesday:15:00 – 22:20

      ~ 7h 22m

    • Wednesday:14:10 – 21:00

      ~ 6h 50m

    • Thursday:14:10 – 23:50

      ~ 9h 40m

    • Friday:14:00 – 22:30

      ~ 8h 27m

    • Saturday:No data
    • Sunday:No data
  • What does ZeronPeron stream on Twitch?

    ZeronPeron wasn't streaming last 30 days.

  • How many people watch ZeronPeron on Twitch?

    ZeronPeron has been watched on Twitch by 88 Average Viewers, which have generated 13 941 Hours Watched in the last 30 days.

  • How many hours does ZeronPeron stream on Twitch?

    In the last 30 days, ZeronPeron streamed for 158h 45m on Twitch (8h 49m /day).

  • How many views does ZeronPeron get on Twitch?

    For the last 30 days, ZeronPeron get 41 430 Live Views on Twitch.

  • How many viewers does ZeronPeron average on Twitch?

    ZeronPeron streamed for an average of 88 viewers on Twitch in the last 30 days.

  • What setup does ZeronPeron use?

    We have no information on the ZeronPeron setup.

  • What gears does ZeronPeron use?

    We have no information on the ZeronPeron gears.

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Platform's partnership:Partner


Real name:




Channel creation date:Feb 06, 2018

Country (citizen of):ZeronPeron - Twitch Stats, Analytics and Channel Overview (63)Poland

City of residence:

Business email:

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Twitch page

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Lifetime data

  • Followers:

  • Peak Viewers:

  • Average Viewers:

  • Airtime:

  • Active Days:

  • Bans

Last stream:

Papers, Please

05 Aug, 14:00Papierki na 100% ????Papierki na 100% ????

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ZeronPeron Twitch rankings

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More rankings

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Streamer qualities

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The channel has no gear specified. You can add the gear yourself.

ZeronPeron - Twitch Stats, Analytics and Channel Overview (2024)


How do you see your Twitch stats? ›

The Stream Summary page in your Creator Dashboard shows you data for individual streams, so you can analyze your most recent stream, or revisit previous streams to compare how you performed stream over stream. For a snapshot of how your channel is doing overall, visit the Overview page.

What is a Twitch tracker? ›

TwitchTracker is a reliable source for livestreaming stats and analytics, offering users a comprehensive view of Twitch channels, games, and global statistics.

What is an average viewer on Twitch? ›

Average Viewers. The average number of concurrent viewers in your stream. To calculate this number, we check how many viewers there are at each point in time when you are live. The stat in the top bar is an average of this number across all the time streamed in the selected date range.

How many streamers are on Twitch? ›

In April 2024, video streaming platform Twitch had approximately 7.23 million active streamers, down from a peak of 9.89 million in January 2021. The platform experienced a boom during the COVID-19 pandemic when many new users used the platform to connect with friends or try their hand at livestreaming.

How many viewers do you need to make money on Twitch? ›

In order to become a Twitch Affiliate, you need at least 50 followers and an average of three or more concurrent viewers over the past 30 days. To become a Twitch Partner, you must average 75 concurrent viewers or more over 30 days.

How much does Twitch pay? ›

Small Twitch streamers can earn anywhere from $50 to $1500 per month, depending on the number of average viewers they have. Here's what you can expect to make based on your viewership: 5 – 10 average viewers: $50 – $200 per month.

How to tell if someone is view botting? ›

4 Telltale Signs of View Botting Use
  1. High view count, low engagement. A boost in viewer numbers normally results in an uplift of engagement, such as chat activity and stream/video likes. ...
  2. Rapid rises in viewer count. ...
  3. High view count, low subscriber numbers. ...
  4. Bland, repetitive comments.
Jan 18, 2024

How can you tell if someone is watching your Twitch stream? ›

Once you're in your stream manager, click the three dots next to the My Chat section of your stream chat (under your activity feed), then Users in Chat. Here, you'll see identifiable people who are logged in with chat connected and watching your stream listed in order of broadcaster (you), moderators, and users.

What is Twitch doxxing? ›

Doxxing often involves bad actors attempting to cause inconvenience, harm, embarrassment, or shame by publishing confidential information about a person. Bad actors typically look for anything that can help them expose private information about someone.

What happens after 50 followers on Twitch? ›

To become a Twitch Affiliate, you must meet the following 4 requirements: Reach 50 Followers. Stream for 8 Hours. Stream on 7 Different Days.

Is 500 viewers on Twitch good? ›

Affiliate Streamers (500-3,000 viewers): Once a streamer reaches Affiliate status, they unlock access to subscriptions and Bits. This can lead to a more consistent income, potentially reaching $1,000-$3,000 per month. Mid-Tier Streamers (3,000-10,000 viewers): At this level, income can become substantial.

Does yourself count as a viewer on Twitch? ›

If you are watching a stream on mobile: you count as a viewer. If you are watching a stream audio-only mode on mobile or in the background (PiP E.G): you count as a viewer. (Both above, muted or unmuted, you count). If you are in chat-only mode, you do not count as a viewer.

Who is the #1 Twitch streamer? ›

As of March 2024, the most-followed channel belongs to Ninja with over 19 million followers. The female streamer with the most followers on her channel is Pokimane with just under half of Ninja's followers at 9.3 million.

Which country uses Twitch the most? ›

The United States is home to the majority of Twitch users. Over 36% of Twitch users, 93 million in total, reside in the United States.

How to see Twitch recap? ›

Locate your recap directly on the streamer's channel page or your subscriptions management page. After clicking the monthly recap link, use the arrow keys to navigate between pages. View from streamer's channel page. View from subscriptions management page.

How do I see how many hours watched on Twitch? ›

3 Easy Ways to Check Your Hours Watched on Twitch
  1. Use Watchtime Tracker.
  2. Use StreamElements Bot.
  3. Use DeepBot.

How do I see my views on Twitch? ›

Viewer Count is displayed in red on or below the video player on Twitch.


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Last Updated:

Views: 5856

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (48 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.